Friday, September 30, 2011

:: Drypers berwajah baru.. ::

Salam Jumaat semua..
Aritu gi giant cari diapers si sara ni..biasanya, mmg kami setia kepada jenama Pet Pet..tapiii.haritu masa tgk kat giant..harga die rm41.90?? mak aii..mahalnyee! sedangkan sy boleh dapatkan kat kedai baby (Camy Babyland) kat Sunway Giza tu kan, baru rm32 aje..haih, xleh jadi lahh..dekat 10hengget beza die..ingat nak ambik je Huggies, tapi memandangkan kualiti nye yang kureng, so cancel en.hubby kata, kita cari kat kedai biasa aje..even kat Speedmart pun murah kan..sekali nak patah balik tu, terpandang la pulak ke, ade pattern baru pulak..bercorak2..cantik! sara da pegang2 dah Drypers tu..then, tgk harga dia pun ok, that kami grab je laa..kata en.hubby, kita try n error..kalau xbest jugak, this is the 1st and last!huhuhu..

*gambar ehsan google 

sampai je kat umah..terus sara mintak bukakkan paket Drypers tu..sebab apa die excited sangat? sbb ni lah..
*gambar ehsan google..tak sempat nak snap gamba sendiri..huhuu..

cantik kan corak die tu? yg love tu, depan die I Love U..belakang die You Love Me..yang A tu pulak, depan die alphabet ABC..sangat comel..hehehe..everytime nak tukar diapers, mesti sara sebut "bu, nak pampers "I you me"..apakah?? memula tak paham..apa yang die maksudkan dengan "I You Me"..sekali dengar die nyanyi2 sorang2 tu kan..rupanya lagu Barney..I love you tu..lahai..boleh pulak die combine kan I love you, you love me = I You Me..hahahaa..sabau je lah anak ibu ni...

dah lebih sebulan pakai Drypers, pada saya, kualiti die makin ok, in term of diapers nya sendiri..boleh tampung peepee sara sepanjang malam tanpa tukar diapers, even minum susu 2-3 botol satu malam..satu lagi, pelekat dia yg dulunya keras, sampai sakit perut baby, tapi skang ni dah guna pelekat soft tu..tapiii..ada jugak kelemahan die..kelemahan die adalah..pelekat die tu hanya boleh sekali lejat sahaja..means kalau sekali dah bukak, xboleh pakai utk yg ke 2 kalinya..dah tak melekat dah..sara selalu ambik diapers, dipakaikannya kat Minnie die..then, bila nak pakai semula, dah tak boleh lekat dah..bukan ke satu pembaziran tu? one more thing is, masa nak ajar potty train sara..kerapkali aku tanya bila sampai masa die nak ke toilet, bukakkan diapers tu tgk kering lagi..tapi dah tak boleh nak pakai semula, sbb pelekat die dah tak mo melekat..haihh...

kalau huggies pulak, pelekat ok, tapi sara kompem tetiap malam ibu dah nak kene bangun tgh2 malam tukarkan diapers..haih, malas ok..hahaha..tunggu ade baby, barula rajin nak bangun malam agaknya..hehehe..

so that, pilihan utama...still Pet Pet..harga ok, diapers ok, sara takpenah bocor, pelekat pun boleh diguna semula 2-3-4 kali pun..xde masalah..senang! that's why we love pet pet!

eh, ni entry utk drypers ke, pet pet nih?hahaha..

Thursday, September 29, 2011

:: Gold we come!! ::

Wah! kami nak pegi bercutiii..hati berbunga2 neh bila en.hubby tetibe ajak pergi bercuti this weekend pagi2 tadi masa bersiap nak g ke opis..aritu mmg die ada ckp nak bawak qaisara picnic..sbb dah lama sangat kami tak pegi picnic mana2..then, die suruh sy surf internet, cari tempat yg best utk pergi..dah alang2 nak g picnic, haruslah sy cari jauh2 sket kan..xkan nak picnic kat tasik titiwangsa or tasik shah alam je kan? tu dah jadik halaman rumah dah tu..selalu sangat pergi..hehehe..yg paling penting, haruslah ada swimming pool..dah lama tak praktikkan skill berenang neh..heheh..

so pagi2 ni terus bukak google, cari pakej yg best utk stay..ala..2 hari satu malam je pun..cari punya cari..hati saya mmg dah tertawan kat sini...

Sepang Goldcoast..mmg cantik gilos lah tempat neh..die punye villa/chalet die pun sume cantik2..interior die mabeles lah! ceh..mcmla dah penah pegi from testimoni actually..hehehe..

pandangan sepang goldcoast dari atas..tgh2 tu ada swimming pool..syok!

mmg cantik lah tempat die..villa die..sume nye atas laut..membentuk pokok palma kalau kita tgk dari atas..mmg cun ah..dah la dekat ngan Bagan Lalang..tempat yg wajib pegi utk cari seafood kalau dah sampai sini..haaaa...seronokss..TAPI try ler call bahagian reservation..nak tanye price range kan..sekali die kata.."price range starting from RM812 - RM35xx...perghh..terkedu kejap..mak aii..giloss mahall..hahahaa..terus cancel plan nak kesini..hahahaa..tulaa, berangan je lebihh..hahaha.. pada sy, kalau harga tu baik pegi makan2 ke, isi minyak kete then pegi ke tempat lagi jauhhh ke..ataupun pegi pulau2 ke kan..banyak lagi mende/tempat yang best utk kita pegi kan? huhuhu..

then, search lagi..jumpa ni pulak..
ini adalah Avillion, Port Dickson..sangat chantek chalet/resort kat sini..

see? dok lepak2 kat balcony mengadap laut sambil minum kopi panas..wahahah..heaven!

mcm terberkenan jugak kat ini..takmo berangan dulu tanya rege..kat sini banyak jenis room..yang paling murah adalah rm200 ++ so ok la kan..worth it la kalau nak g sini..tapi yang murah ni haruslah bukan atas laut..tapi it's ok la kan..check in kat chalet memana, then pegi la villa atas laut tu amik gambar bebanyak, verangan konon2 stay kat situ kan..hahaha..

hmm..tu lah dia, saya ni kalau mencari tempat2 utk bercuti ni, kalau berkesempatan, mesti nak call, tgk apa yang ada dalam bilik tu..yelah, dah bayar mahal2..mesti la nak yg the best ikut budget kita kan..tapi selalu jugak la pergi bercuti style gamble..plan malam ni, esok pagi2 pegi..then check in je la hotel memana janji pergi bercuti!hehehe..tak kisah..qaisara pun tak kesah! :p

korang ada tempat yang best utk disuggestkan x? kot la ada tempat yang murah (murah = bawah rm200 utk satu malam..hehehe) dan best (food, environment, ada kolam renang - perghh..nak rm200 kebawah, tapi nak kolam renang..hahaha.., then sesuai utk kanak2 kecik bermain..) sekitar selangor/n9/melaka..dekat2 sini je dik non..nak pegi nye pun sabtu je..ahad dah balik dah..hehehe..kalau ada yg nak kasik cadangan..silalah komen ye..cadangan dibuka! hehehe..

* tajuk diatas adalah gempak semata2.. :p
** org yg mengajak bercuti ni actually baru dapat increment..status nye pun dah bertukar jadi 'Senior' Consultant dh skang nih..alhamdulillah.. :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

:: Beraya bersama SimplySiti.. ::

Lagi entry pasal raya..selagi ada syawal, selagi tu laa nak cite pasal raya kan? hehehe..
Aritu tercari2 lipstick yg sesuai utk dipakai raya..mengada x? ahaaha..lipstick pun nak matching ngan baju ko! jgn memain..baju kaler ijau, so mcm nak lipstick kaler coklat2 sket..kebetulan pulak, compact powder 2 way cake pun habis..aisehh..pegi ke guardian, cari kaler2 lipstick n bedak yg best...jalan punye jalan..sekali nampak ni daa..

lipstick die best..sebelah lipstick, sebelah lagi lip gloss..i likeee!!

simplysiti pujaan hatiku.. :)

bedak Simply Perfect 2 Way Cake neh mmg perrrfeeccttt lah! menutup abis bekas2 jerawat, bintik2 kat muka kalau nak terasa muka licin, boleh la try..hehehe..

hahaha..mulalah terjebak semula membeli alat2 mekap ni..dulu mcm dah malas2 dah..sbb i jarang kuar umah..dulu kadang tu just pakai bedak 2 way cake cosway yang kaler biru tu kan.. tapi bedak tu best jugak tuh..murah pun murah..then ade jugak pakai bedak silkygirl walaupun dah bukan kategori girl lagi kan..hehehe..tapi bila tgk product simplysiti ni, mcm jatuh hati la pulakk..keh keh keh..tu pun dok tahannn je tgk die punye eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow die mak aii..cantiks nye kalerss..then, die punye blusher..uisk, mmg berkenan gila lah! takyah pakai berus2 bagai..just tempek2 kat muka jek..kalau korang nak tgk..pegi la kat page simplysiti ni haa..

cantik2 kan kaler die? aisehh..tapi xpe, time tu bajet2 sket laa..nak raya that beli lipstick ngan bedak je dulu..nnt2 nak rembat blusher ngan eyeliner die pulak..hehehe..
dan, dihari raya aritu, sy pakai product2 simplysiti, xyah tempek foundation dah, just pakai je bedak tu sbb bedak 2 way cake tu kan dah bertindak sebagai foundation kan..then, calit sket eye shadow, blusher sket, then lipstick + gloss siti punye ni haa.. i lovee die punye colour sbb coklat die lite2 gitu..tak suke yang terang2..soo..inilah hasilnyaa... 

muahahaaa..xdela cantik mana sbb model tak berapa nak cantik kan..hajatnye nak cantik mcm dato' siti nurhaliza..tapi nak buat cemana kan..hahahaa..tapi bedak tu mmg terbaiklah, tahan sampai ke petang, tak berminyak2 or bertampuk2 pun even dah sepanjang hari berpanas..
hmm..lepas ni, haruslah bertukar kepada product simplysiti!

Monday, September 26, 2011

:: Qaisara kecewa! ::

Nape laa si qaisara kecewa ni..kecik2 dah pandai kecewa..xbaik tau..hehehe..
xdelah, actually entry ni adalah kesinambungan dari entry Beraya di Cameron Highlands aritu..disebabkan kami xplan pun nak balik teluk intan lalu cameron, so that kami bertolak dah lewat, and sampai atas sana pun dah agak lewat..pegi jalan2 tgk kaktus dulu, cari bunga2 dulu..then naik atas lagi, baru la plan nak pegi petik buah sara dah excited dah..selalu je mulut die bising "bu, jom kita ambik buah.." kami singgah kat satu strawberry farm ni..tapinye kan, hampa betul laaa..tempat tu dah pun ditutup! sbb nye masa kami sampai tu dah almost 5pm..kecewa nye lahai..sara asyik ajak ibu nye masuk ke dalam farm tu, sbb dari luar dah nampak dah buah strawberry bergayut2..haihhh..ibunya pun kecewa ni yang oiii..huhuhu..yelah, kami dah lama sangat tak gi cameron, sekali sampai xdapat rasa petik buah strawberry..yelah, nak buat cemana kan..last minute punye plan..nasib laaa..

tgk la die punye aksi masa 1st time sampai tu..asyik nak usha buah strawberry ajek..

"bu..jom amik buah tu, jom?" alahaiii..sian betul la si qaisara ni haa..

tgk tu, org dah nak balik pun die takmau time kita datang lagi "amik buah" ye sayang.. :)
eh, ni gambar masa kat butterfly farm.. :)

yours truly yg dah gemox~  :(

3 tempat kami pergi..tapi semua dah tutupp..waaaaa~
tapi xpe, ayah janji nak bawak next time, kan sara? time tu nnt kita check in hotel..sng nak petik buah strawberry pagi2..huhuhu..

destinasi seterusnya, kami ke Kea Farm, tujuan nye haruslah nak cari sayur2 segar kat sana..mulanye nak g pasar brinchang, tapi mcm ramaiii gila manusia kan, nak park pun mcm takde tempat jek, so kami ke Kea Farm ajelah,,tu pun mcm dah rambang mata nak pilih sayur apa..huhuhu..banyak gila..belikan sekali utk mak mertua ku..utk kami pulak, last week baru habis makan semua sayur2 tuh..hahhaa..yelah, masak sayur campur utk kami bertiga, bukannye luak banyak mana pun kan.. :)

then lepas tu barulah jalan2 gi tgk kebun sayur..tapi time neh dah xde gambar lah..bateri kamera ngan handphone dah kong!hahaha..sabo je lah kan..tapi time ni pun dah lewat, malas la nak turun dr cameron malam kan..dah ler jalan bengkak bengkok..on the way balik, kami lalu ikut simpang pulai..sbb en.hubby kata kalau lalu ikut tapah lagi laa pening..alhamdulillah, dh pkul 9 baru sampai teluk intan lepas berenti sana sini..alhamdulillah.. :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

:: Rezeki Ramadhan & Syawal.. ::

Selamat hari Jumaat kawan2...
Masa bulan puasa aritu banyak jemputan berbuka yg terpaksa ditolak..yelah, dapat jemputan dah last2 puasa, nak dekat raya..pastu nak buke puasa kat dataran shah alam spertimana yg kami selalu buat last year, taun ni sekaliii ajek, tu pun dalam keadaan tergesa2..sbb terlambat nak buka pose, sebelum tu gi mencari baju raya kat alam sentral & pkns..cari juadah kat pasar ramadhan tu, then terus ke padang..makan pun cepat2 je, pastu terus balik sbb nak kejarkan maghrib pulak...hmmmm..

sebab apa?

sebab ini lah...

Alhamdulillah..syukur atas nikmat yg Allah berikan..order yang tak putus2 sepanjang bulan puasa aritu, membawa ke arini..alhamdulillahh... :)

yg paling banyak sy dapat order adalah dari wp Labuan..ade agen kat saya, order dari die adalah yg paling banyak..xtau bape batch penghantaran dibuat sbb poslaju pun ada limit besar kotak tu..courier pun sama..agen sy ada merata2..ade di uitm shah alam, di klang, di putrajaya, di kuching dan jugak labuan..choc cluster & choc chip cookies paling mendapat perhatian sampaikan raya baru ni 300 botol abis ditempah..coklat raya pun sama..dengan order doorgift utk majlis seminggu lepas raya lagi..coklat utk hantaran tunang/kawen lepas raya..mmg tak menang tangan lah! tu yg sy terpaksa tidak menghadirkan diri ke mana2 majlis berbuka puasa, kecuali yg dekat2 sahaja..yg lagi sadis, biskut raya sy tak sempat nak buat..adalah beberapa rakan yg order biskut raya, terpaksa saya tolak..yg dah order pun, tak tersempat sy nak membuatnya..mintak maaf ye u olls..huhuhu..

memula plan nak bukak booth, tapi pikir2..mcm takut xde sambutan ajek..tu yg tukar plan, operate from home aje..tapi banyak la jugak yg sy hantar ke kedai2 bakery, mcm kat carrefour shah alam..sambutan kat sana pun boleh tahan jugak..yang tak tahan, apam polkadot pun tinggi permintaan nye dibulan puasa! awal2 puasa org tak ghairah lagi nk membeli persiapan utk raya kan..dah pertengahan puasa, mak ai! tak terhandle lah..memula sy xnak pakai pembantu, sbb takut nnt tak terbayar pulak pembantu, sekali tu, dah banyak dpt order, xjumpe pulak dah sape yg boleh jadi pembantu..nak tak nak, mmg en.hubby la menjadi pembantu yg setia..hmm..die pun dah terror dah buat coklat skang neh..hehehe..

apa2 pun..syukur atas nikmat yang tuhan berikan..Alhamdulillah..dan jgn lupe berzakat ye! :)

*sekadar utk catitan buat kenangan dimasa hadapan.. :)
* kalau ada kawan2 yang nak belajar buat homemade chocolate, boleh contact sy Ain - 019 2992844 atau emailkan ke . Detail kelas boleh tgk di blog My Chocs For You ..ada di sidebar belah kanan..jgn risau, sekiranya anda xpernah ada experience bermain dengan coklat, sy akan ajar kan anda, dan anda boleh terus start bisnes keesokan harinya!! haaa..jom, join sekarang! :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

:: Sape2 tengah cari keje? meh singgah sini sat..ade iklan jawatan kosong neh.. ::

Ada sesapa tgh cari keje kosong?

company tempat i keje ni tgh nak cari orang nk buat iklan keje kosong lah ni..sape2 yg berminat, silalah emailkan resume anda ke, nnt sy forwardkan ke recruiter..kat email tu nnt sy cerita ttg company ni eh..lokasinya di Tropicana, Kota Damansara.. :) okeh, ni list nye..

1ABAP Time/Payroll Developer

·         Must have experience with ABAP for HR (Time and Payroll clusters)

·         Experience in ABAP development. Must be experienced in BAPIs, BADIs, SAP Script/Smartforms, ABAP Objects and have good knowledge in SAP ABAP

·         Minimum 3 years of application programming experience in the SAP environment

2. ABAP Developers

  • Must have experience with ABAP for HR
  • Experience in ABAP development. Must be experienced in BAPIs, BADIs, SAP Script/Smartforms, ABAP Objects, ALE and have good knowledge in SAP ABAP.
  • Minimum 3 years of application programming experience in the SAP environment

3. Peoplesoft Developers

·         Detailed knowledge in the configuration and setup of PeopleSoft HRMS/HCM in at least two areas:  Organization Foundation, HR, Payroll, Payroll Interface, Benefits Administration, Time and Labor.
·         Application Design and Development Experience with PeopleSoft Tools, Application Designer, and PeopleCode

·         Reporting Development Experience using Query, Crystal, Trees and SQR.

·         Integration experiences - integrates and enable any third party software to work with PeopleSoft using Application Engine, Integration Broker, Application Messaging and Component Interface.

·         Relational database development and design knowledge - strong SQL skills.

o    Experience with UNIX, DB2 or Oracle is desirable.

o    Working knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, XML, and web client technologies desirable.

o    Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

4. Technical Helpdesk Specialist
·         Thorough understanding of customer service concepts
·         Must be detail oriented
·         Thorough knowledge of time management techniques
·         Proficient in all Microsoft Office applications and other system applications
·         Must have exceptional communication skills  
·         Work well in a team environment
·         Ability to work flexible hours, based on business need

5. Technical Helpdesk Supervisor
          Willing to work on a multiple task and work oriented environment
          Monitor and manage the daily task on all calls and emails received from Clients
          To perform random sampling of calls and emails of the agents
          Serves as a technical advisor to users with complex systems issues by resolving or conferring with technical personnel
          Provides functional and task leadership
          Briefs customers and/or management on the status of resolution efforts
          Recommends system or process improvements, including procedures, training, and enhanced documentation
          To handle calls and emails as and when needed
          Troubleshoots via the phone or via receipt of an email application operating problems and involves technical resources to ensure resolution
          Applies understanding and knowledge of information systems products and services to assist users
          Identifies, investigates and researches user questions and problems as well as isolating and resolving information systems problems
          Coordinates referrals to appropriate technical, professional, or service personnel
          Receives and prioritizes issues and forwards using appropriate escalation procedures

6. Learning Services Administrator
·         Participate in team meetings as required
·         Upload web based content to the LMS
·         Create learning activities in the LMS
·         Perform quality assurance as requested
·         Produce reporting for evaluation results in the LMS
·         Manage the express interest process
·         Process rosters, single registrations and replacements
·         Place orders for materials
·         Provide roster reports when requested
·         Assist with updating processes and procedures
·         Assist with adhoc reporting requests
·         Archive content in the LMS
·         Input vendor resource information in the LM S
·         Serve as back up as needed for other team members
·         Additional assigned tasks, per business changes and needs

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
·         Thorough understanding of customer service concepts
·         Must be detail oriented
·         Thorough knowledge of time management techniques
·         Proficient in all Microsoft Office applications and other system applications
·         Must have exceptional communication skills  
·         Work well in a team environment
·         Ability to work flexible hours, based on business need

7. Lead Learning Administrator
·         Participate in team meetings as required
·         Provide guidance and support for other LA’s
·         Escalate issues to the LAM on behalf of self and team as needed
·         Upload web based content to the LMS
·         Create learning activities in the LMS
·         Perform quality assurance as requested
·         Produce reporting for evaluation results in the LMS
·         Manage the express interest process
·         Process rosters, single registrations and replacements
·         Place orders for materials
·         Provide roster reports when requested
·         Assist with updating processes and procedures
·         Assist with adhoc reporting requests
·         Archive content in the LMS
·         Input vendor resource information in the LM S
·         Serve as back up as needed for other team members
·         Additional assigned tasks, per business changes and needs

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
·         Thorough understanding of customer service concepts
·         Must be detail oriented
·         Exhibit strong leadership skills
·         Willingness to provide mentorship
·         Thorough knowledge of time management techniques
·         Proficient in all Microsoft Office applications and other system applications
·         Must have exceptional communication skills  
·         Work well in a team environment
·         Ability to work flexible hours, based on business need

8. ETL DATABASE DEVELOPERS (ETL tools training provided)  
The Candidate needs to have 1 to 4 years of experience in

  • Database procedural language – Oracle PL/SQL, Microsoft/Sybase Transact SQL coding.
  • Optional ETL programming in Informatica, DataStage, Oracle Warehouse Builder, SQL Server DTS/SSIS (or other ETL tools). ETL tools training will be provided for those without this experience.

The Candidate needs to:

  • Work well in a team environment, providing support to business users and technical staff
  • Have the ability to effectively communicate with all levels of management and end users
  • Demonstrate strong analytical and problem solving skills
  • Have a strong ability to be organized, manage time and handle multiple tasks/projects and priorities in a fast-paced dynamic environment
  • Have knowledge, and practical experience in following proper SDLC (system development life cycle) methods
  • Have the ability to understand data flows and trace problems

The Candidate is required to work with business counterparts to resolve issues and plan projects. 

Duties for this position include:

  • Perform ETL Programming development
  • Review existing ETL configuration / architecture and lead efforts to tweak and tune the performance of an existing ETL processes
  • Maintaining core mapplets that will be used cross-clients, modifying existing processes, debugging existing processes
  • Create custom mappings in ETL tool to manipulate and transform data
  • Create high-level design documents, technical specifications, coding, unit testing, systems testing, perform post-production verification
  • Perform code review
  • Develop and execute test plans
  • Develop documentation and assist with the transition to a production operations team
  • Coordinate the system development life cycle with the core development team, including offshore resources and analysts
  • Some on-call support may be needed

- BS in Computer Science, Engineering, or a relevant field.

• Experience
o Minimum 7 years of experience in .Net/SQL development.
o Minimum 5 years of BizTalk or other major ETL systems
o 5 to 7 years of professional development experience

• Required Skill/Knowledge
ASP.Net and Windows Form with C#, VB
o SQL (2005, 2008 R2)
o Object-oriented design and programming
o Strong communication skills
o Ability to work effectively on a global team and independently
o Windows Server architecture and configuration
o Strong work ethics
o Strong written and oral communication skills

• Highly Desired Skills/Knowledge
o Experience in team-development environment (i.e. SVN, TFS)
o UI design skills
o Strong analytical ability and passion to learn new technologies
o Experience in testing object oriented, distributed enterprise-class applications
o Knowledge in full test cycle, including Unit Testing, Integrated System Testing, and User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

All other duties as assigned



  • We are seeking a motivated Supervisor/ Manager level who will lead .Net/SQL developer and capable of making a variety of major contributions to new/existing applications in team development environment. In this role, the candidate will be involved in designing, implementing and testing significant portions of a new/existing enterprise-level applications using mainly but not exclusively .Net programming languages, object-oriented methods and software development best practices. Opportunities exist to contribute significantly to architecture, UI design, data access, and manipulation depending on the candidate’s extensive proven success in those areas in large-scale enterprise applications.


  • Qualifications
  • BS in Computer Science, Engineering, or a relevant field.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in .Net/SQL development.
  • Minimum 5 years of BizTalk or other major ETL systems
  • 5 years of professional development experience
  • Required Skill/Knowledge
  • ASP.Net and Windows Form with C#, VB
  • SQL (2005, 2008 R2)
  • Object-oriented design and programming
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to work effectively on a global team and independently
  • Windows Server architecture and configuration
  • Strong work ethics
  • Strong written and oral communication skills
  • Highly Desired Skills/Knowledge
  • Experience in team-development environment (i.e. SVN, TFS)
  • UI design skills
  • Strong analytical ability and passion to learn new technologies
  • Experience in testing object oriented, distributed enterprise-class applications
  • Knowledge in full test cycle, including Unit Testing, Integrated System Testing, and User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Additional Desired Skills/Knowledge
  • Experience in Oracle, SAP, PeopleSoft, or JD Edwards ERPs
  • Knowledge of different technology components that include Middleware, B2B gateways, Enterprise Service Bus
  • Knowledge of BIZTALK an advantage but not required.
  • All other duties as assigned

kalau rasa2 ada yg terberkenan, nak try apply, sila kan la ye..tak kene bayar pun..
emailkan ke