:: Korang ada simpan Pirate/Burn CD dalam kereta? ::
Aku? banyakkk...berderett..
bukannye taknak beli CD ori, tapi kadang tu penyanyi yg sama dlm satu cd tu, ade beberapa je lagu yg best..yg lain2 tu ntah hape2..lain la kalau siti nurhaliza ke kan..kompem aku beli cd ori..ngeh ngeh ngeh...
pastu aku suka sangat simpan lagu2 nasyid, yg mana haruslah aku download dan aku burn,simpan baik2..utk dengar masa drive..sbb aku suke most of the kumpulan nasyid, tapi tak semua lagu2 nye..so kalau nak dengar semua lagu yg aku suke, haruskah aku beli semua cd kumpulan nasyid? *kopaklah aku!*
jugak..aku ade satu cd yg aku burn ayat2 alquran dalamnye..haa..yg ni pulak selalu aku dengar masa drive,time nak balik kampung,time tu bujang lagi..masa lalu jalan kat area jengka yg berhantu tuh..so, haruslah aku pasang cd alquran tu kuat2..takut woo..kalau boleh taknak dengar mende lain selain ayat2 suci je..huhuhu..dan jugak, cd tu berguna masa aku peknen kan sara..time tu aku keje ulang alik ke putrajaya..makanye, perjalan jauh tu aku gunakan sebaik nye dengan mendengar ayat2 suci..tak ke baik niat aku tu??
tapiiii...aritu masa kak zura datang umah aku, die cerita pasal ade polis wat roadblock utk check setiap kereta ade cd burn/pirate ke tak...aisehhh..ade keee???then, sesapa yg ada, akan didenda!wahh..takutnye..arini aku pulak yg terima email pasal mende alah ni..
To all those CDs lover pls beware!
Please do not keep any pirated or burned CDs, DVDs, or VCDs in your car.
Police and Domestic Trade & Consumer Affairs Ministry's enforcement division in Malaysia have started the operation to search and fine anyone who keep pirated disc inside their car especially through road block at all main road and expressways.
If any pirated or burned disc found inside your car will be charged RM400 per disc. Example 30 discs found means the fine will be RM12,000.
This is real. Another friend of mine from Seagate, today during lunch time, 5 CD x RM400 = RM2,000
One of the Plexus colleague brother-in-law caught by Police due to pirated CD in the car on the way to town for lunch with his friend in the afternoon. One CD fined RM400.
Please disseminate this to all your friends who are driving in Malaysia .
Aisehh...betul ke eh? ade sesapa kat sini yg boleh kompemkan?kang kalau betul, boleh la aku bertindak cepat, nnt kang xde la ketar lutut bila jumpe abg puliss kang..
p/s : feiyah, abah ko adalah org kuat di Bukit Aman..sila kompemkan cerita ini ye! thanks! hehehe..