Thursday, November 05, 2009

:: SBS - Shaking Baby Syndrom ::

salam sume..
ni aku nak share info pasal SBS..memandangkan my lil sara dah disahkan doktor die ada syndrom ni, (mild) so,aku kene ambik precaution dan aku jugak nak kene inform pengasuh die utk sama2 monitor perkembangan sara..

aku kene intebiu dek pegawai kebajikan masyarakat - pn yati dan jugak pakar kanak2 - dr priya tu,diorg ada explained kat aku pasal syndrom ni.tabiat orang kita, suka lambung baby,goncang baby bila nak tidurkan dia, tak kira sambil baring,atas bahu or atas riba..timang2, goncangan kuat atau berterusan masa dalam buaian (especially yang pakai rocker) atau apa jua yang menyebabkan kepala baby bergoncang adalah salah dan boleh menyebabkan pressure dalam kepala baby, yang menyebabkan pendarahan dalam kepala/otak..

yes, sara ada syndrom ni,aku sendiri tgk mcmane pendarahan dlm kepala dia after ct scan..sebijik sama mcm sample SBS yang dr priya tunjukkan kat aku. penyebab? don't know..adakah disebabkan jatuh katil? doktor priya said, no..syndrom ni akan takes time utk menyebabkan pendarahan..means, seems like sara penah jatuh before this..tapi bila???? hanya tuhan yang mengetahui..

yang menyebabkan aku terduduk sekejap bila doktor ckp ini : "i terpaksa bgtau u,if your baby fits again in 48hrs, we need to re-scan and if the bleeding become worse, we need to do an operation untuk keluarkan darah tu..."
if u were in my shoes,apa yang u all akan fikirkan? operation kepala..wire berselirat sana sini..oxygen,susu,luka operate..masyaAllah!!baby sekecik itu.....
tapi aku sangat2 bersyukur..during the monitoring said that..nothing to worry..alhamdulillah!!

so, langkah pertama yang aku ambil lepas keluar spital cradle pleaseee...! mr.hubby bukak buaian and simpan bwh katil.mmg,memula mmg sangatlah susah nak biasakan die tido sendiri without buaian..tapi lama2..alhamdulillah..skangni mesti dia akan tetido sendiri lepas penat golek2 sana sini.. ada sikit info about the SBS.. credit to Wikipedia boleh google lagi kalo nak further details..

Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) or Battered Baby Syndrome is a form of child abuse that occurs when an abuser violently shakes an infant or small child, creating a whiplash-type motion that causes acceleration-deceleration injuries. The injury is estimated to affect between 1,200 and 1,600 children every year in the USA.[1] It is common for there to be no external evidence of trauma.[2]
The concept of SBS was initially described by Dr. John Caffey, a radiologist.
SBS is often fatal and can cause severe
brain damage, resulting in lifelong disability. Estimated death rates (mortality) among infants with SBS range from 15 to 38%; the median is 20–25%.[2] Up to half of deaths related to child abuse are reportedly due to shaken baby syndrome.[5] Nonfatal consequences of SBS include varying degrees of visual impairment (including blindness), motor impairment (e.g. cerebral palsy) and cognitive impairments

Signs and symptoms
Subdural hematoma (arrow), bleeding between the dura mater and the brain, commonly occurs in SBS.
SBS is accompanied by a variety of signs, which range from mild to severe and nonspecific to obviously head trauma related.
[2] There is no single symptom that defines SBS.[6] The characteristic injuries associated with SBS include retinal hemorrhages, multiple fractures of the long bones, and subdural hematomas (bleeding in the brain).[7] These signs have evolved through the years as the accepted and recognized signs of child abuse and the shaken baby syndrome. Medical professionals strongly suspect shaking as the cause of injuries when a baby or small child presents with retinal hemorrhage, fractures, soft tissue injuries or subdural hematoma, that cannot be explained by accidental trauma or other medical conditions. About three quarters of cases involve retinal hemorrhaging.[6] Additional effects of SBS are diffuse axonal injury, oxygen deprivation and swelling of the brain,[6] which can raise intracranial pressure and damage delicate brain tissue.
Victims of SBS may display irritability,
failure to thrive, alterations in eating patterns, lethargy, vomiting, seizures, bulging or tense fontanels (the soft spots on an infant's head), increased size of the head, altered breathing, and dilated pupils.[8]
Fractures of the vertebrae, long bones, and ribs may also be associated with SBS. [9][10][11] Dr. John Caffey reported in 1972 that metaphyseal avulsions (small fragments of bone had been torn off where the periosteum covering the bone and the cortical bone are tightly bound together) and "bones on both the proximal and distal sides of a single joint are effected, especially at the knee".[12][13]

Subdural hematoma (arrow), bleeding between the dura mater and the brain, commonly occurs in SBS.

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